November 2012 Dog Cost

November 2012 Breakdown

  • Food – $0
  • Treats – $0
  • Vet & meds – $288.99
  • Accessories & toys – $37.95
  • Misc – $0
  • Coupons – $72.20
  • Monthly Total (less coupons) – $257.68

Vet & Meds

This month, we finally got around to getting Kyota in for a checkup. He got a basic exam, heartworm test, and fecal parasite exam. They did his heartworm test while we waited and he came back negative, which allowed us to get him some Trifexis. It’s a once a month chew pill that will cover heartworm, fleas, and internal parasites. He had his first dose when we got home and had no side effects. Overall his exam went well but the vet is concerned about his teeth. She said they should not be as dirty as they are for a 3 year old. So we are planning on getting that sorted out in early January. Hopefully it will just be a simple cleaning and he won’t need any teeth pulled!

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Always Thankful

Today is the last day of November so I still have time to get this post in before everything becomes all about the next big holiday.

I’ve been working this post out in my head since just before Thanksgiving, but after cooking a full feast last Saturday, on my own and for around twelve people, I needed a few days for clean up and recouping.

I spent a lot of time this Thanksgiving really thinking about the past year and what I’m thankful for. This past spring, Brian lost his job on the east coast when the company went bankrupt. Job stability is not common in the video game industry, but the loss still blindsided us and the other 300+ people working there. Following that, we drove across the country, back to Phoenix. Shortly after arriving, Brian was offered a new job at a studio in Orange County so we headed out there. Since then, we got Kyota and got married. Those two are the two things I am most thankful for.

But mainly Kyota. I had a lot of apprehension about getting a dog, especially a shiba inu because I’d heard how difficult they can be and stubborn. Since we have had Kyo, he has been nothing but perfect for us. I can’t but cuddle him throughout the day and I can just lose myself from petting his soft, plush fur. Getting to wake up every day with a great husband and a great dog what makes me happiest.

Now, back to the large feast I mentioned earlier. That was a big step with Kyota because I’ve noticed he is pretty protective of his home territory. He’s fine meeting other dogs out on walks, but if he runs into one in the breezeway outside our door, he makes it known that they are in his territory. So having 12+/- guests in our apartment was new for him, especially with people he hadn’t met. When the guests arrived, I instructed them to give him a bit of time by ignoring him, not talking to him or making eye contact. That way he could sniff around and warm up to people on his own terms.

Kyota decides our friend Klimas isn't that bad after all

Kyota decides our friend Klimas isn’t that bad after all

Kyota took it all well and he did get a bit barky at a few people, mainly when they made sudden moves to say hi. Towards the end of the night he was happy to find a quiet part of the house and take a nap.

Kyota watching everyone play a card game.

Kyota watching everyone play a card game.

As soon as everyone had left, Kyota seemed quite overjoyed and started bouncing around with his bone, probably excited that everyone left and nobody took him with them.

Review: Bionic Bone

I decided that I had to do a review on the Bionic bone because I have quite a bit to say about it. I think I mainly have to do this review because it has, paws down, become Kyota’s favorite toy.

I had heard lots of good things online about the Bionic bone, and their own website claims it’s made from a special indestructible rubber that only 1% of dogs can probably still destroy.

Since I haven’t had Kyota that long, I’m not sure if he is that destructive with toys. I was told by his previous owner that he loves to gut plushies, but all his plushies are still intact. But that being said, he absolutely loves the Bionic bone. He doesn’t seem to play too often, but when he does I’d say 8 out of 10 times he will pull out the Bionic bone and toss it around for a bit before laying down and chewing on it. I almost feel like he gets a challenge out of chewing it.

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Good-bye Howl-o-ween and October!

But wait! Before we fully say are adieu to October and Halloween, lets catch up a bit.

On October 20th, the Shiba Club of Southern California (SCSC) held their annual Howl-o-ween costume party and gathering. We took Kyota there for a nice day trip and shiba socializing. I spent a few weeks before the party working on a costume for Kyo. I had decided that dressing him up as Link from the Legend of Zelda would be a fun and easy costume to sew and put together. I’m not the best at sewing yet, let alone making my own rudimentary pattern and implementing it, but I think I certainly got an A for Effort.

Looking quite daring! And my working mess in the background :/

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October 2012 Dog Cost

This weekend is the two month barkiversary of Kyota coming to live with us and October was the first full month on the dog cost.

October 2012 Breakdown

  • Food – $38.54
  • Treats – $0
  • Vet & meds – $0
  • Accessories & toys – $37.74
  • Misc – $10.99
  • Coupons – $0
  • Monthly Total (less coupons) – $94.03


We made Kyota’s 5lb bag of the Dick Van Patten’s last us through to almost the second week of October. This time we got a 15lb bag and I am working on making last at least til December. Considering we went through a 5lb bag in about a month and a half, I think we may just be able to hit that goal.

Accessories & Toys

We got more accessories than toys in October, which is fine because Kyo has a box full of toys to keep him occupied. He’s started to shed a bit more though, so we picked up a basic slicker brush to try to keep that under control. He absolutely loves being brushed and just picking up the brush his ears will perk up and he’ll happily stand or sit in front of the brusher.

We also picked up a poop bag holder and some poop bags so we can always have them handy when we are out on walks and need to pick up a poop. It’s depressing to see all the piles of poop around our apartment complex from owners who are too lazy to pick up their dog’s waste. The complex does have bag stations, but I don’t think there are enough so if someone is not near one they won’t pick up their dog’s poop (or buy their own bags but whatever!).

This past weekend we picked up a rubber bristled brush to use for bath time to work up a good shampoo lather and get into his thick (thick!) undercoat better than hands could.

The ultimate buy for the entire month has to be the Bionic bone! Kyota absolutely loves it and I had to edit my comments on it because it was turning into a review. If I’m going to review a product, I might as well put up a review post and stay on track with the dog cost.


And in the Miscellaneous corner, we have flea shampoo. Yes, that’s right. Flea shampoo. Perhaps it’s just our ridiculous overreaction, but this past weekend I was brushing Kyota and at one point when I flipped over the brush, I saw a lone flea. And proceeded to freak out! I have not seen any fleas since, but we washed him the same day we got the shampoo. It’s an all natural brand without any nasty chemicals in it. Kyota certainly smells better and has been itching less, so hopefully it’s helped. He handled the bath quite well so I suppose if we need to wash him again soon, we can always do that.

Overall This month we stayed under $100 which is great, in my opinion. I certainly hope we can keep a monthly average of less than $100 and if we don’t have to buy food more than every few months I think it shouldn’t be hard to hit that goal, save for any unexpected finances like vet visits or emergencies.